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Stanley Ho Junior Research Fellowship in Chinese

Pembroke College

Location: Oxford
Salary: £38,700
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Placed On: 18th November 2024
Closes: 6th January 2025

Pembroke College wishes to appoint a Junior Research Fellow in Chinese Studies of any area, discipline or period from 1 September 2025 for three years. 

The Stanley Ho JRF in Chinese will be expected to conduct original research in their chosen field and to contribute to the development of Chinese studies at Pembroke College. This will include assisting students reading Chinese in the college with advice and mentoring. Teaching opportunities may also be available through the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies and with the consent of the Fellow in Chinese. 

Candidates should have good written and spoken Chinese and a high level of proficiency in English. Applicants should have a PhD or be close to completion (and will need to have submitted their doctorate before taking up the fellowship) and preference will be given to applicants who have not already held a research fellowship or permanent academic post. Selection criteria will be based on the candidate’s overall academic record, quality and achievement of research, research plans, academic fit with the College Fellowship and suitability for an academic career. 

Applications should be submitted by email to by midday on 6 January 2025 and should include: 

  • A letter of application explaining why you wish to be considered for this position; 
  • A curriculum vitae setting out details of your higher education, research and any publications to date;
  • A 1,000 word research proposal;
  • The names, positions, and email addresses of three academic referees. The referees will only be contacted to request a reference if your application is shortlisted. 

The Further Particulars for this post are available below. We would also encourage all applicants to complete the equal opportunity monitoring form available on the college website. 

The stipend for the role is £38,700 per annum. Benefits include a research allowance of £1,711 per annum (at the discretion of the college) and all lunches and dinners when the college kitchens are open. 

Further Particulars

Policy statement on the recruitment of ex-offenders

Pembroke College is an equal opportunities employer. It welcomes diversity amongst its staff and students and all reasonable adjustments will be made to the recruitment process, working arrangements and/or environment to accommodate applicants with any form of disability.

Please let us know if you believe there are any reasonable adjustments we should be making to assist you with your application. If you feel that you have a disability which may affect your application, please let us know. Please also let us know of any reasonable adjustments that we would need to make for you to attend an interview. 

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