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25 PhDs Found

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EPSRC PhD Studentship in Cybersecurity Communication (Security Studies)
Department of War Studies & Cyber Security Research Group (CSRG).
King's College London
Location: London
Salary: Stipend: full UKRI stipend (£21,237 pa in 2024-25, including London Weighting of £2000 pa) Tuition fees: four years full tuition fees Other: £1,000 pa Research Training Support Grant
Date Placed: 10 Feb
Closes 28 Feb
Multiple PhD Studentship in Aeronautics: Turbulence Intermittency for Cloud Physics - AE0070 - OB
Fluid Mechanics
Imperial College London
Location: London
Salary: Full coverage of tuition fees and an annual tax-free stipend of £21,237 for Home, EU and International students
Date Placed: 07 Feb
Closes 02 Mar
PhD Studentship: Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) in the Charity Sector
Department of Computer Science
City St George’s, University of London
Location: London
Salary: Annual tax-free stipend that tracks the UKRI rate (currently £21,237 pa) & tuition fees (Home only); in addition, each student may also have the opportunity to earn £2,200/pa on average (up to around £4,300/pa) through a teaching assistantship
Date Placed: 06 Feb
Closes 02 Mar
PhD Studentship: AI-assisted modelling of accidental explosion events (AE0048_v2)
Departments of Aeronautics
Imperial College London
Location: London
Salary: Full coverage of tuition fees and an annual maintenance tax-free stipend of £21,237 for both home and overseas students
Date Placed: 06 Feb
Closes 06 May
PhD Scholarships available: Start Date October 2025
UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in AI for Digital Media Inclusion
University of Surrey
Location: Guildford
Salary: UK home tuition fees; Tax-free maintenance payment (based on the UK Research and Innovation; UKRI’s minimum rate); Current amount for 2025/26 is £20,780 per year; Enhanced supplement of £4,000 per year
Date Placed: 04 Feb
Distance from London: 27 miles.
Closes 28 Feb
PhD Opportunities in AI, Computational Neuroscience Engineering, Mathematics and in Quantum Computing
School of Science and Technology
City St George’s, University of London
Location: London
Salary: Full coverage of tuition fees and an initial annual tax-free stipend of £21,237 per annum
Date Placed: 29 Jan
Closes 07 Mar
PhD Studentship (Fully Funded) in Network Science - Reconstruction and Modeling of Higher-Order Interactions in Complex Systems
Northeastern University London
Location: London
Salary: £21,237 annual stipend
Date Placed: 24 Jan
Closes 16 Feb
Fully Funded PhD Scholarship in Network Science
Northeastern University London
Location: London
Salary: £21,237
Date Placed: 24 Jan
Closes 16 Feb
Fully Funded PhD Scholarship in Computer Science
Northeastern University London
Location: London
Salary: £21,237
Date Placed: 24 Jan
Closes 16 Feb
PhD Studentship in ACL Injury Prevention and Return to Sport in Elite Female Footballers
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Imperial College London
Location: London
Salary: The post is supported by a bursary and fees (at the UK student rate) provided by the Football Association
Date Placed: 23 Jan
Closes 28 Mar
PhD Studentship: Numerical Study of the Explosion Characteristics and Potential Mitigation Measures of Ammonia in Air
University of Surrey
Location: Guildford
Salary: Home/UK fees covered, plus UKRI Standard Stipend p/a, currently at £19,237 for 2024-25. Funding is for 3.5 years. Fully and directly funded for this project only.
Date Placed: 22 Jan
Distance from London: 27 miles.
Closes 23 Apr
PhD Studentship: Degradable Polymer Coatings for Sustainable Packaging
University of Surrey
Location: Guildford
Salary: UKRI standard stipend (£19,237 p.a.) and tuition fees. Fully and directly funded for this project only. Funding is for 3.5 years.
Date Placed: 20 Jan
Distance from London: 27 miles.
Closes 23 Apr
Fully Funded PhD Studentships in Computer Science and Engineering
School of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Westminster
Location: London
Salary: A home fee waiver and an annual stipend of £21,237 (raising each year in line with UKRI increases) for three years
Date Placed: 18 Jan
Closes 28 Feb
PhD Studentship: Developing Geospatial Accessibility Models for Healthcare Facilities to Improve Access for People with Disabilities
School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences
Birkbeck, University of London
Location: London
Salary: Three years home tuition fees and stipend at UKRI rate
Date Placed: 15 Jan
Closes 02 Mar
Fully Funded Doctoral Landscape Award: NetZero Futures
Royal College of Art
Location: London
Salary: £21,237
Date Placed: 07 Jan
Closes 28 Feb
Kingston University PhD Studentships
Graduate Research School
Kingston University
Location: Kingston upon Thames
Salary: Total contribution to fees and stipend for fully funded studentships: £26,023 per year for three years full-time or £13,011 per year for six years part-time.
Date Placed: 03 Jan
Distance from London: 10 miles.
Closes 05 Mar
PhD Studentship in Bio-lubricants for EV
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Imperial College London
Location: London
Salary: Bursary and fees (at the UK student rate)
Date Placed: 20 Dec
Closes 20 Mar
PhD Studentship in Lubrication with Polymeric Additives
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Imperial College London
Location: London
Salary: Bursary and fees (at the UK student rate) provided by EPSRC and Shell via a CASE studentship
Date Placed: 20 Dec
Closes 20 Mar
PhD Studentship in Sustainable Grease Lubrication
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Imperial College London
Location: London
Salary: Bursary and fees (at the UK student rate) provided by the Jost Foundation
Date Placed: 20 Dec
Closes 20 Mar
PhD Studentship in Additively Manufactured Aero-engine Components with Powder-based Damping
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Imperial College London
Location: London
Salary: Bursary and fees (at the UK student rate) provided by the EPSRC (in the form of a CASE conversion)
Date Placed: 20 Dec
Closes 20 Mar
PhD Studentship in Contact Modelling and Model Reduction in Complex Aero-engine Assemblies
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Imperial College London
Location: London
Salary: Bursary and fees (at the UK student rate) provided by the EPSRC
Date Placed: 20 Dec
Closes 20 Mar
PhD Studentship: EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Future Open SecuRe NeTworks (FORT) - Jointly with Queen’s University Belfast
University of Surrey
Location: Guildford
Salary: Fully funded 4 year CDT Programme covers UK Tuition fees + minimum UKRI Stipend (currently £19,237 p.a. but expected to increase in 2025/26) + Enhanced stipend payment of up to £2,500
Date Placed: 11 Dec
Distance from London: 27 miles.
Closes 28 Feb
PhD Studentship: Deep Learning for Automated Building Damage Assessment
Computer Science
University of Surrey
Location: Guildford
Salary: Standard stipend (£19,237 p.a. 2024/25 rates); full home or O/S tuition fees (as applicable); a research, training and support grant of up to £3,000 over the project; funding available for 3.5 years (42 months)
Date Placed: 03 Dec
Distance from London: 27 miles.
Closes 25 Apr
PhD Studentship in Modelling and Observation of Aircraft Condensation Trails
Department of Aeronautics
Imperial College London
Location: London
Salary: Full coverage of tuition fees and an annual tax-free stipend of £21,237 for Home, EU and International students
Date Placed: 15 Nov
Closes 15 Feb

Targeted PhDs

Targeted PhDs

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