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PhD Studentship: East Asian Cinema and Screen Industries

University of Sheffield - School of East Asian Studies

Qualification Type: PhD
Location: Sheffield
Funding for: UK Students, EU Students, International Students
Funding amount: £18,622 maintenance support each year of the PhD + Home Fees
Hours: Full Time
Placed On: 31st July 2024
Closes: 31st August 2024

We are delighted to offer a full-time PhD Studentship as part of a Leverhulme funded project entitled This Woman’s Screen Work?: Creativity, Care and Gender in Asian Film. ‘ The project looks at the careers of female screen-workers in Asian film and screen industries. We aim to focus on both day-to-to-day working experiences and how women navigate both local and global film markets and screening systems. Through creative, collaborative and interdisciplinary methods, we will present a study of the lives and experiences of female screen workers, ensuring often-hidden voices and experiences are shown, enhancing our understanding of the global film industry. Outputs will be both scholarly and creative and will appeal to a range of academic and non-academic audiences.   

The PhD candidate will be co-supervised by Professor Kate Taylor-Jones with input from Dr Wikanda Promkhuntong (Mahidol University, Thailand) and Prof Louise Wei (City University Hong Kong). A second supervisor will also be identified at the University of Sheffield. You will be expected to fully participate in training programs as required and engage with the wider projects activities as requested.

The PhD student will develop their own strand of this project based on their individual linguistic and cultural expertise.

  1. conduct their own research on women in the film industry of a specific Asian nation state. This work can be done via traditional written format, or in combination with doctoral-level creative outputs relevant to the project, such as film or creative practice as broadly defined. We are defining Asia in the most flexible sense and please email the PI should you have any questions. 
  2. meet the milestones laid out in Sheffield's PhD project including confirmation review at the end of your first PhD year and undertake appropriate training and personal development over the duration of your PhD.
  3.  Present your work at an international academic conference in the third (and final) year of the PhD program as part of the team project panel.
  4.  You will be expected to work with the core project team to help develop one of the journal articles proposed for this project and will be named as co-author; in addition, you will develop an individual journal article based on your thesis. You will be supported by the core team to achieve this.

A central tenet of this project is to understand the female film worker experience, be it as a director, writer, producer or crew, and this PhD position will engage with this aim by developing a PhD project with their area of expertise linked to the core aims and objectives of the wider teamwork.

The studentship provides:

  • £18,622 maintenance support each year of the PhD (three years)
  • Travel and accommodation costs for project events as required.
  • PhD tuition fees will be paid in full  (Home Rate only)
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