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Two Tenure-Track Assistant Professorships in Computer Science

Bocconi University - Department of Computing Sciences

Location: Milan - Italy
Salary: Competitive
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Placed On: 3rd December 2024
Closes: 24th January 2025

The Department of Computing Sciences at Bocconi University invites applications for two Tenure Track Assistant Professor positions. 

The new department of Computing Sciences, created three years ago and in a phase of rapid expansion, is an interdisciplinary department with leading international researchers in various fields including theoretical computer science, machine learning theory, statistical physics modeling, natural language processing, computational neuroscience, as well as biomedical applications. In terms of teaching, the department has recently opened a bachelor in AI, a master in AI, and is strongly involved in the PhD program in Statistics and Computer Science. It has a strong core in theory and applied CS, and aims at broadening its portfolio, in particular towards applications of machine learning not yet currently represented. We are looking for outstanding candidates, curious and open to collaborations with colleagues from other fields. Priority will be given to candidates with expertise in computer vision and/or high performance computing as well as to all candidates whose hiring would increase the diversity of the faculty in the department.

In principle the position is to be filled by 1st September 2025, but if necessary, the starting date could be delayed to February 1st, 2026.

Bocconi University is an amazingly vibrant academic community with leading academics in various fields. It is located in central Milan, Italy, offering undergraduate, graduate, PhD, MBA and Executive programs.  


Applicants should have a Ph.D. in Computer Science or closely related areas, and should demonstrate the capacity for exceptional research achievement and the ability to teach effectively in undergraduate, masters, MBA and PhD programs. Experienced candidates should have an established track record of successful research and teaching.  

Job information: 

The successful candidates will be expected to develop a strong publication record, broadly contribute to the academic life of the department and be effective teachers both at the undergraduate and graduate level. 

Compensation and teaching load will be competitive with other top European Schools. The contract will last for 6 years, with the possibility of becoming permanent after a successful tenure process. 

For additional information concerning the Department of Computing Sciences visit  

Further details on the position may be requested from 

How to apply:  

Applications including a CV, Research Statement and copies of recent publications (up to 5), plus 3 references must be submitted online. 

Applications must be received by 24th January 2025 and candidates will be interviewed online.  

Bocconi University is committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty. Applications are particularly welcome from women and members of groups who are under-represented in academic posts.

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* Salary has been converted at the prevailing rate on the date placed
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