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PhD Opportunities in Plasma Accelerators

University of Oxford

Qualification Type: PhD
Location: Oxford
Funding amount: Up to £19,237 tax-free stipend plus university fees at the home-student rate
Hours: Full Time
Placed On: 10th December 2024
Closes: 4th March 2025

Oxford Physics undertakes world-leading research into laser- and beam-driven plasma accelerators, within groups based in Atomic & Laser and Particle Physics. Our current research programmes include: research into novel methods for driving high energy plasma accelerators at high repetition rates; investigation of techniques for improving the quality of plasma-accelerated particle bunches; and studies of novel concepts, such as HALHF, for future plasma-based particle colliders.

Experimental work is undertaken in our own laboratories in Oxford; at national facilities, such as at Harwell and Daresbury Laboratories; and at international laser and accelerator facilities, such as DESY.

Our current projects include:

  • Mapping temperature evolution in a plasma accelerator: We recently demonstrated that plasma accelerators are capable in principle of accelerating tens of millions of bunches per second. In this project the student will explore the next step towards realisation of high-repetition-rate plasma acceleration: gaining a deeper understanding of how the plasma temperature depends on repetition rate. A series of novel temperature-based numerical and experimental techniques will be developed, which will then be used at national and international plasma-accelerator facilities.
  • Development of high-repetition-rate plasma-accelerator modules: The thermal energy deposited in the plasma by the plasma-wakefield process will ultimately make its way to the module containing the plasma. In this project novel types of temperature-controlled plasma stages will be designed and prototyped in Oxford, then deployed for proof-of-principle testing at plasma-accelerator facilities, such as FLASHForward (Germany) and CLARA (UK).
  • Controlled electron injection in plasma-modulated plasma accelerators (P-MoPAs): We recently proposed a novel method for exploiting advanced thin-disk lasers to drive GeV-scale plasma accelerators at repetition rates in the kHz range. In this project the student will investigate possible methods for controlling the injection of electrons into the accelerator stage of a P-MoPA. The project will involve particle-in-cell simulations and experimental work in Oxford and at international laser facilities.
  • Radiation generation in high-repetition rate plasma accelerators: In this project the student will explore methods for generating X-rays from electron bunches accelerated in novel plasma channels by single- or multiple laser pulses. The project will involve a mix of numerical simulations and experiments in Oxford at OPAL and at national and international high-power laser facilities.
  • Energy recovery in plasma accelerators: Laser- and particle-driven plasma accelerators have the potential to drive future generations of particle colliders, but to do so they must operate efficiently. In this project the student will investigate methods – such as the use of additional laser pulses – for extracting unused plasma wakefield energy: (i) to prevent damage to the accelerator stage; and (ii) to recycle this energy. This project will involve particle-in-cell simulations and experiments at OPAL and at national and international high-power laser facilities.


Our projects are funded by a wide range of sources and we aim for all our graduate students to be fully funded at the UKRI rate (currently a tax-free stipend of £19,237 plus university fees at the home-student rate).  

Further information

Further information on all of these projects is available via the ‘Apply’ button above.

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