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19 PhDs Found

Engineering & Technology
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Ocean Sciences



19 PhDs Found


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When you create this PhD alert we will email you a selection of PhDs matching your criteria.When you create this job alert we will email you a selection of jobs matching your criteria. Our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy apply to this service. Any personal data you provide in setting up this alert is processed in accordance with our Privacy Notice

Fully Funded PhD Positions in Life Sciences
European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)
Location: Barcelona, Cambridge, Grenoble, Hamburg, Heidelberg, Rome
Salary: Not Specified
Date Placed: 06 Feb
Closes 10 Mar
PhD Studentship: Self-powered Autonomous Surface and Underwater Vehicles for Persistent Observation
Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences
University of Southampton
Location: Southampton
Salary: We offer a range of funding opportunities for both UK and international students, including Bursaries and Scholarships
Date Placed: 01 Feb
Closes 31 Aug
PhD Studentship: Reef to Rescue: Advancing Ex Situ Breeding for Marine Conservation
University of Plymouth
Location: Plymouth
Salary: The studentship is supported for 3.5 years and includes Home or International tuition fees plus a stipend of £19,237 per annum 2024-25 rate (2025-26 rate TBC)
Date Placed: 30 Jan
Closes 14 Mar
PhD Studentship: Holistic Environmental Impacts and Dynamic Carbon Modelling in Construction Materials
Sustainability Research Institute (SRI)
University of East London
Location: London
Salary: The studentship will provide funding for 3 years including tuition fees and a tax-free stipend at the standard UKRI London rate, £21,240 for the 2024/25 academic year. Full funding is available to Home students
Date Placed: 30 Jan
Closes 28 Feb
PhD Studentship: Experimental Aerodynamics and Environmental Flows
Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences
University of Southampton
Location: Southampton
Salary: We offer a range of funding opportunities for both UK and international students, including Bursaries and Scholarships
Date Placed: 24 Jan
Closes 31 Aug
PhD Studentship - Smart Artificial Islands for Offshore Renewable Energy
Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering
The University of Manchester
Location: Manchester
Salary: £19,237 - please see advert
Date Placed: 24 Jan
Closes 14 Mar
PhD Studentship: Building Coastal Resilience in Communities - A Combined Governance and Natural Science Approach
Government / Life Sciences
University of Essex
Location: Colchester
Salary: £19,237 Home tuition fee waiver. Living costs stipend at the UK Research and Innovation recommended level per year. The stipend for 2024-25 is £19,237. The rate for 2025-26 TBA
Date Placed: 23 Jan
Closes 18 Apr
PhD Studentship: Climate Change Impacts on Biodiversity Targets and International Cooperation on Biodiversity Action
Life Sciences / Government
University of Essex
Location: Colchester, University of Essex
Salary: £19,237 Home tuition fee waiver. Living costs stipend at the UK Research and Innovation recommended level per year. The stipend for 2024-25 is £19,237. The rate for 2025-26 TBA
Date Placed: 23 Jan
Closes 18 Apr
PhD Studentship: Artificial Intelligence-Assisted Modelling of High-Rate Ductile Fracture
Centre for Doctoral Training in the Modelling of Heterogeneous Materials (HetSys), Department of Engineering
University of Warwick
Location: Coventry, University of Warwick
Salary: Standard UKRI rate
Date Placed: 22 Jan
Closes 01 Mar
PhD Studentship - Sensing Technology for Net Zero - Addressing the Challenges of Floating Offshore Electricity Transmission
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
The University of Manchester
Location: Manchester
Salary: £28,000 - please see advert
Date Placed: 06 Jan
Closes 06 Apr
Research Studentship in Quantum Networks
Department of Engineering Science
University of Oxford
Location: Oxford
Salary: £19,237 stipend (tax-free maintenance grant) p.a.
Date Placed: 19 Dec
Closes 04 Mar
PhD Studentship: Understanding the Conformational Dynamics of Proteins Involved in the Protection of Biological Material Within Seeds
The University of Manchester
Location: Manchester
Salary: £19,237 (in 2024/25)
Date Placed: 19 Dec
Closes 28 Mar
PhD Studentship: Energy-SuDS: The Potential of Heat Exchange in Sustainable Drainage Systems for Decarbonising Heating and Cooling
School of Engineering
Newcastle University
Location: Newcastle upon Tyne
Salary: £24,000 (increased by £300 in years 2, 3 and 4 each)
Date Placed: 19 Dec
Closes 28 Feb
Fully Funded Hardiman PhD Scholarships
University of Galway
Location: Galway
Salary: Not Specified
Date Placed: 18 Dec
Closes 07 Feb
PhD Studentship (Centre for Climate Repair) - Protecting Glaciers - Physical Barriers Sea Bed Curtains
Department of Engineering
University of Cambridge
Location: Cambridge
Salary: includes fees and maintenance for students eligible for Home fees
Date Placed: 13 Dec
Closes 16 May
PhD Studentship: Non-linear Flows of Antibodies
Physics and Astronomy
The University of Manchester
Location: Manchester
Salary: £19,237 for 2024/25
Date Placed: 09 Dec
Closes 03 Mar
PhD Studentship: Nature-based Solutions (NbS) to Mitigate the Effects of Sea-level rise
Life Sciences / Sociology
University of Essex
Location: Colchester
Salary: Living costs stipend at the UK Research and Innovation recommended level per year. The stipend for 2024-25 is £19,237. The rate for 2025-26 TBA.
Date Placed: 21 Nov
Closes 07 Feb
PhD Studentship in Modelling and Observation of Aircraft Condensation Trails
Department of Aeronautics
Imperial College London
Location: London
Salary: Full coverage of tuition fees and an annual tax-free stipend of £21,237 for Home, EU and International students
Date Placed: 15 Nov
Closes 15 Feb

Targeted PhDs

Targeted PhDs

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