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70 PhDs Found

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70 PhDs Found


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When you create this PhD alert we will email you a selection of PhDs matching your criteria.When you create this job alert we will email you a selection of jobs matching your criteria. Our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy apply to this service. Any personal data you provide in setting up this alert is processed in accordance with our Privacy Notice

PhD Studentship - Understanding the Conformational Dynamics of Proteins Involved in the Protection of Biological Material within Seeds
The University of Manchester
Location: Manchester
Salary: £19,237 - please see advert
Date Placed: 19 Dec
Closes 28 Mar
PhD Studentship: Understanding the Conformational Dynamics of Proteins Involved in the Protection of Biological Material Within Seeds
The University of Manchester
Location: Manchester
Salary: £19,237 (in 2024/25)
Date Placed: 19 Dec
Closes 28 Mar
PhD Studentship: Investigating the Mechanistic Role of Extracellular Vesicles in Anti-cancer Drug Induced Cardiotoxicity
The School of Life, Health and Chemical Sciences (LHCS)
The Open University
Location: Milton Keynes
Salary: £19,237 per year (2024/25 rate, indexed annually)
Date Placed: 18 Dec
Closes 10 Feb
Fully Funded Hardiman PhD Scholarships
University of Galway
Location: Galway
Salary: Not Specified
Date Placed: 18 Dec
Closes 07 Feb
PhD Studentship: Female-specific Physiological Responses to Exercise in the Heat
School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences
Loughborough University
Location: Loughborough
Salary: £19,237
Date Placed: 12 Dec
Closes 14 Mar
PhD Studentship: Non-linear Flows of Antibodies
Physics and Astronomy
The University of Manchester
Location: Manchester
Salary: £19,237 for 2024/25
Date Placed: 09 Dec
Closes 03 Mar
PhD Studentship: Peptidomimetic Inhibitors of Protein-Protein Interactions – A Sustainable Approach
School of Chemistry
University of Birmingham
Location: Birmingham
Salary: Fully-funded programme
Date Placed: 06 Dec
Closes 06 Mar
PhD Studentship: Bio-based Sustainable Materials for Autonomous Thermal Management in Wearables
Loughborough University
Location: Loughborough
Salary: £19,237 per annum
Date Placed: 02 Dec
Closes 13 Feb
Fully-Funded PhD Studentship
National Eczema Society
Location: United Kingdom
Salary: £30,000 per year maximum
Date Placed: 02 Dec
Closes 28 Feb
PhD Studentship: The Influence of Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids on the Development and Prevention of Skin Cancers
Chemical Engineering
Loughborough University
Location: Loughborough
Salary: £19,237 per annum
Date Placed: 28 Nov
Closes 12 Feb
PhD Studentship: Net Zero: Confronting The Political and Societal Barriers to Behaviour Change
School of Environmental Sciences
University of East Anglia
Location: Norwich
Salary: £19,237
Date Placed: 25 Nov
Closes 28 Feb
PhD Studentship: Net Zero Climate Change: Political and Societal Engagement With Hard Choices and Difficult Trade-offs
School of Environmental Sciences
University of East Anglia
Location: Norwich
Salary: £19,237
Date Placed: 25 Nov
Closes 28 Feb
PhD Studentship in Cardiovascular Development: “Cell Interactions in Fourth Pharyngeal arch Artery Morphogenesis”, funded by the British Heart Foundation
Newcastle University
Location: Newcastle upon Tyne
Salary: £19,919 - please see advert
Date Placed: 22 Nov
Closes 28 Feb
PhD Studentship: Nature Protection Versus Nature Restoration: Who Benefits and Who Loses Out?
Life Sciences / Sociology
University of Essex
Location: Colchester
Salary: Living costs stipend at the UK Research and Innovation recommended level per year. The stipend for 2024-25 is £19,237. The rate for 2025-26 TBA.
Date Placed: 21 Nov
Closes 07 Feb
PhD Studentship: Addressing the Place of Microorganisms in the Nagoya Protocol: Microbial Biogeography, Genomics and Taxonomy
Life Sciences / Law
University of Essex
Location: Colchester
Salary: Living costs stipend at the UK Research and Innovation recommended level per year. The stipend for 2024-25 is £19,237. The rate for 2025-26 TBA.
Date Placed: 21 Nov
Closes 07 Feb
PhD Studentship: Transitions to Sustainable Wildlife Harvest: Evidence Based Management and The Social Licence to Hunt
Life Sciences / Sociology
University of Essex
Location: Colchester
Salary: Living costs stipend at the UK Research and Innovation recommended level per year. The stipend for 2024-25 is £19,237. The rate for 2025-26 TBA.
Date Placed: 21 Nov
Closes 07 Feb
MPhil/PhD Studentships in the School of Social Science
School of Social Sciences
University of Westminster
Location: London
Salary: A fee waiver and an annual stipend of £21,237 (24/25 rate, raising each year in line with UKRI increases) for three years. This includes London weighting.
Date Placed: 20 Nov
Closes 07 Feb
10 Quintin Hogg Trust PhD Studentships at the University of the Westminster
Graduate School
University of Westminster
Location: London
Salary: A fee waiver (at home fee level) and an annual stipend which will match UKRI stipend levels and will include London weighting
Date Placed: 15 Nov
Closes 07 Feb
PhD Studentship: Using Microencapsulation to Study Biofilm Formation
Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Birmingham
Location: Birmingham
Salary: UKRI funding will provide annual stipend for living costs and tuition fees at the UK rate
Date Placed: 14 Nov
Closes 31 May
PhD Studentship: “Molecular Mechanisms of Brain Plasticity, Degeneration and Regeneration”
School of Biosciences
University of Birmingham
Location: Birmingham
Salary: This is a competition-funded PhD project open to students worldwide.
Date Placed: 11 Nov
Closes 11 Feb

Targeted PhDs

Targeted PhDs

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