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30 PhDs Found

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30 PhDs Found


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When you create this PhD alert we will email you a selection of PhDs matching your criteria.When you create this job alert we will email you a selection of jobs matching your criteria. Our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy apply to this service. Any personal data you provide in setting up this alert is processed in accordance with our Privacy Notice

PhD Studentship - ‘Staying in Business? The Aftermath of Acquired Disability for the Entrepreneur’
Newcastle University
Location: Newcastle upon Tyne
Salary: £19,237 - please see advert
Date Placed: 08 Jan
Closes 17 Feb
PhD Studentship: The Catfish Hunter: Games for Combating Online Deception
School of Science, Department of Computer Science
Loughborough University
Location: Loughborough
Salary: £19,237
Date Placed: 12 Dec
Closes 18 Feb
PhD Studentship: Crime, Punishment, and Politics Across Generations – A Multi-Cohort Study in the UK ESRC DTP Strategic Joint Studentship
Midlands Graduate School Doctoral Training Partnership
Location: Coventry, University of Warwick
Salary: Please refer to the advert text
Date Placed: 20 Jan
Closes 20 Feb
PhD Studentship: LGBTQIA+ Culture in the North East: Mapping the Archives, Exploring their Potential
Newcastle University
Location: Newcastle upon Tyne
Salary: Not Specified
Date Placed: 29 Jan
Closes 21 Feb
PhD Studentship: Bridging Data for Equity: Linking Health Records to Address Ethnic Inequities in Mental Health and Social Care
Department of Psychological Medicine, IOPPN, King’s College London ESRC Centre for Society and Mental Health, King’s College London
King's College London
Location: London
Salary: The scholarship will cover tuition fees and a stipend
Date Placed: 10 Feb
Closes 24 Feb
PhD Studentship: Net Zero Climate Change: Political and Societal Engagement With Hard Choices and Difficult Trade-offs
School of Environmental Sciences
University of East Anglia
Location: Norwich
Salary: £19,237
Date Placed: 25 Nov
Closes 28 Feb
PhD Studentship: Net Zero: Confronting The Political and Societal Barriers to Behaviour Change
School of Environmental Sciences
University of East Anglia
Location: Norwich
Salary: £19,237
Date Placed: 25 Nov
Closes 28 Feb
PhD Studentship: Human-Climate Connections in the Workplace
Norwich Business School
University of East Anglia
Location: Norwich
Salary: £19,237
Date Placed: 25 Nov
Closes 28 Feb
Funded PhD Position
Politics, Digital Technology and Governance Research Team
Hasso Plattner Institute
Location: Potsdam
Salary: £2,696.37 per month plus a generous budget for research travel, training and other expenses
Date Placed: 28 Jan
Closes 28 Feb
PhD Studentship: Digital Inclusion in the E-IMMUNE Digital Care Pathway Study
School of Sociological Studies, Politics and International Relations
University of Sheffield
Location: Sheffield
Salary: £19,237
Date Placed: 20 Dec
Closes 28 Feb
EPSRC PhD Studentship in Cybersecurity Communication (Security Studies)
Department of War Studies & Cyber Security Research Group (CSRG).
King's College London
Location: London
Salary: Stipend: full UKRI stipend (£21,237 pa in 2024-25, including London Weighting of £2000 pa) Tuition fees: four years full tuition fees Other: £1,000 pa Research Training Support Grant
Date Placed: 10 Feb
Closes 28 Feb
PhD Studentship: Virtual Reality Intervention to Address Youth Gang Involvement
School of Psychology
University of Birmingham
Location: Birmingham
Salary: £19,237
Date Placed: 07 Feb
Closes 05 Mar
PhD Studentship: Neuroinclusion in Themed Entertainment Attractions
School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences
University of Birmingham
Location: Birmingham
Salary: Centre-UB studentships
Date Placed: 07 Feb
Closes 05 Mar
Kingston University PhD Studentships
Graduate Research School
Kingston University
Location: Kingston upon Thames
Salary: Total contribution to fees and stipend for fully funded studentships: £26,023 per year for three years full-time or £13,011 per year for six years part-time.
Date Placed: 03 Jan
Closes 05 Mar
WRoCAH AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Award - (In)Justice in the Archives: Reinterpreting the Policing Collections at Ripon Museums Trust
School of English
University of Leeds
Location: Leeds
Salary: £20,780
Date Placed: 05 Feb
Closes 05 Mar
WRoCAH AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Award - Connecting Suffragettes, Technology and Society: Caroline Haslett’s International Correspondence Network
School of Philosophy, Religion & History of Science
University of Leeds
Location: Leeds
Salary: £20,780 - please see advert
Date Placed: 05 Feb
Closes 05 Mar
PhD Studentship: Exploring Organisational Sustainability and The Interplay Between Economic, Social and Environmental Logics Within Not-for-profit Sport Organisations
School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences
Loughborough University
Location: Loughborough
Salary: £19,237 per annum
Date Placed: 11 Dec
Closes 10 Mar
PhD in Psychology Project title: Navigating the Mental Capacity Act to support Sexual Decision-Making for People with Learning Disabilities
Department of Psychology
Manchester Metropolitan University
Location: Manchester
Salary: £19,237 annual stipend at the UKRI standard rate per year for 2024-2025
Date Placed: 28 Jan
Closes 14 Mar
PhD in Psychology Project title: Co-production of an Education and Training Framework in Shared Decision-making to Enable Healthcare Practitioners to Deliver Person-centred Care to People With Aphasia
Department of Psychology
Manchester Metropolitan University
Location: Manchester
Salary: £19,237 annual stipend at the UKRI standard rate per year for 2024-2025
Date Placed: 28 Jan
Closes 14 Mar
PhD in Psychology Project Title: Maternal Postnatal Depression and Breastfeeding: Developing and Testing New Psychometric Measure of Breastfeeding Distress
Department of Psychology
Manchester Metropolitan University
Location: Manchester
Salary: £19,237 annual stipend at the UKRI standard rate per year for 2024-2025
Date Placed: 28 Jan
Closes 14 Mar
PhD in Psychology Project title: The Health Impact of Having a Parent With Endometriosis: A Mixed-methods Study of the Implications for Child Development and Mental Health Using the ALSPAC Cohort Dataset
Department of Psychology
Manchester Metropolitan University
Location: Manchester
Salary: £19,237 annual stipend at the UKRI standard rate per year for 2024-2025
Date Placed: 28 Jan
Closes 14 Mar
PhD in Psychology Project title: Using Real-time Emotional Readings to Characterise Parent-child Relationships and Understand Mental Health
Department of Psychology
Manchester Metropolitan University
Location: Manchester
Salary: £19,237 annual stipend at the UKRI standard rate per year for 2024-2025
Date Placed: 28 Jan
Closes 14 Mar
PhD Studentship - A Collaborative Approach to Navigating the Mental Capacity Act to Support Sexual Decision-Making for People with Learning Disabilities
Manchester Metropolitan University
Location: Manchester
Salary: £20,780 - please see advert
Date Placed: 14 Feb
Closes 14 Mar
Closes 14 Mar

Targeted PhDs

Targeted PhDs

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