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9 PhDs Found

Imperial College London



9 PhDs Found


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When you create this PhD alert we will email you a selection of PhDs matching your criteria.When you create this job alert we will email you a selection of jobs matching your criteria. Our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy apply to this service. Any personal data you provide in setting up this alert is processed in accordance with our Privacy Notice

PhD Studentship in Chemical Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Imperial College London
Location: London
Salary: £21,237 tax-free bursary per annum for up to 4 years, plus tuition fees for 4 years
Date Placed: 17 Jan
Closes 17 Apr
PhD Studentship in Bio-lubricants for EV
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Imperial College London
Location: London
Salary: Bursary and fees (at the UK student rate)
Date Placed: 20 Dec
Closes 20 Mar
PhD Studentship in Lubrication with Polymeric Additives
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Imperial College London
Location: London
Salary: Bursary and fees (at the UK student rate) provided by EPSRC and Shell via a CASE studentship
Date Placed: 20 Dec
Closes 20 Mar
PhD Studentship in Sustainable Grease Lubrication
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Imperial College London
Location: London
Salary: Bursary and fees (at the UK student rate) provided by the Jost Foundation
Date Placed: 20 Dec
Closes 20 Mar
PhD Studentship in Additively Manufactured Aero-engine Components with Powder-based Damping
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Imperial College London
Location: London
Salary: Bursary and fees (at the UK student rate) provided by the EPSRC (in the form of a CASE conversion)
Date Placed: 20 Dec
Closes 20 Mar
PhD Studentship in Contact Modelling and Model Reduction in Complex Aero-engine Assemblies
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Imperial College London
Location: London
Salary: Bursary and fees (at the UK student rate) provided by the EPSRC
Date Placed: 20 Dec
Closes 20 Mar
PhD Studentship: NHS-GPT: a Foundation Model from Millions of Electronic Health Records
Imperial College London
Location: London
Salary: Home/UK PhD tuition fees, an annual bursary (UKRI rate £21,237 for 2024-25) per year, for at least 3 years, with option to extend to max 4 years, subject to satisfying progress requirements
Date Placed: 17 Dec
Closes 20 Jan
PhD Studentship in Modelling and Observation of Aircraft Condensation Trails
Department of Aeronautics
Imperial College London
Location: London
Salary: Full coverage of tuition fees and an annual tax-free stipend of £21,237 for Home, EU and International students
Date Placed: 15 Nov
Closes 15 Feb
PhD Studentship in: Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) battery modelling for Electric Vehicles and Energy Storage Systems
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Imperial College London
Location: London
Salary: Not Specified
Date Placed: 28 Oct
Closes 26 Jan

Targeted PhDs

Targeted PhDs

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