We have 11 departments at South University of Science and Technology and are currently setting up a new Department of Computer Science & Engineering. All of our departments aim to excel in interdisciplinary research, deliver new knowledge and nurture talent that goes on to study at top international universities or make a big impact on the world. We are looking to add to our rapidly growing team of academics that includes professors in the ‘1000’ and ’10000’ national talent programmes, as well as NSFC Outstanding Young Scientists and Investigators.

Our large and diverse team of international academics has gained wide-ranging experience at universities around the world. At the forefront of teaching, we provide excellent undergraduate programmes in Bioscience, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering. These programmes offer great scope as they focus more on optional modules than required modules and inspire our students to discover, innovate, develop practical skills, learn independently and get involved with research. We also encourage participation in international exchanges and global competitions. Our student teams won gold medals for three years running at the Genetically Engineered Machine Competition at MIT. As bioscience drives the health industry, we are key to supporting Shenzhen City, as it strives to become a global player in this area. Our life sciences research covers such areas as cell biology, molecular biomedicine & pharmaceutical research, biological information, systems biology & quantitative biology, developmental biology, biomedical engineering, brain science and nervous system diseases.

We aim to become a top-tier international chemistry department with a world-class reputation. Our outstanding globally trained team works on cutting-edge research with broad societal impacts, advancing chemistry in an increasingly global economy. Home to excellent lab and classroom facilities and driven by a visionary leadership team, we have strong links with leading chemistry departments around the world and deliver a strong undergraduate Chemistry programme, as well as joint PhD programmes with The University of Hong Kong and The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Over 50% of our academics have received grants from the Recruitment Programme of Global Experts - 1000 talent programme of China.

Our programmes and research projects focus on microelectronics, photonics and communications, three high tech areas that use cutting-edge, interdisciplinary technologies and continue to shape our information-based society and daily lives. We are also looking to add to these areas with IC design, embedded systems and signal processing and control. We provide our students with the practical skills they need to design and manufacture future tech, as well as theoretical knowledge, covering different materials, devices and systems. We deliver three undergraduate programmes:

• Microelectronics Science & Engineering - semiconductor physics, functional electronic materials, solid-state devices, ULSI circuit design, MEMS and semiconductor manufacturing technology.

• Optoelectronic Science & Engineering - display, lighting, photovoltaic and fibre communications including next generation flat panel display, efficient solid state lighting, photonic integrated circuits, optical design and semiconductor photonics devices.

• Communication Engineering - majors on the emerging field of advanced communication technologies, systems and networks.

We were created in 2015 to advance scientific understanding and develop innovative engineering approaches to improve environmental protection. We provide teaching and research in five academic areas - Water Science & Technology, Soil Science & Remediation, Atmospheric Environment, Industrial Ecology and Global Environmental Change & Management. We are launching an undergraduate programme in Environmental Science & Engineering, taking on our first students in September 2016.

One of the University’s original departments, we aim to build a strong, internationally recognised department that provides vital research to support regional development and national strategic plans. Our undergraduate Finance programme helps students to develop their critical thinking, entrepreneurship and global vision, while providing the latest financial knowledge so they can solve a variety of challenging financial and economic problems. Our leading-edge learning facilities include high-frequency databases, financial modelling dynamic simulation systems, a large-screen management system, a multi-screen GTA integrated financial information system and MATLAB. We published over 50 papers in 2015 and our research projects are driven by important economic issues, covering financial asset pricing theory & empirical analysis, Chinese finance theory & practice, E-finance trades & mechanisms, risk measurement, E-finance monitoring and quantitative finance. Our small team of academics has broad-ranging finance experience and we also host regular seminars from leading names in finance.

We aim to provide our students with the knowledge, methods and techniques they need to pioneer the development of materials and understand the relationship between process, structure, property and performance. Our multidisciplinary undergraduate Materials Science & Engineering programme addresses the frontiers of materials research, the national strategic development plan in materials and the R&D needs of local industries. There is a strong emphasis on innovation, teamwork, leadership, technology, discovery and knowledge transfer. As MSE is key to economic development, our advanced research covers energy materials, organic & inorganic electronics, sensors & actuators, biomaterials, polymer composites, nanomaterials, micro & nanofabrication and additive manufacturing.

Established in 2015, we are a vibrant department that aims to grow rapidly and become world-renowned for our first-class research and education. Our 23 academics have wide-ranging research interests including Pure Mathematics, Computational & Applied Mathematics, Probability & Statistics and Financial Mathematics. We currently offer a BSc programme in Financial Mathematics and are developing BSc programmes in Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Statistics. We are also creating MSc and PhD programmes in these areas. We already have joint graduate programmes in place with several leading universities around the world. We also provide a variety of service courses to support engineering and science students at other departments of SUSTC. This is a very exciting time to join our expanding team.

We are set to provide undergraduate programmes in Robotics & Automation, Innovative Design & Advanced Manufacturing and Energy Engineering. We aim to help our students create innovative solutions to technical and societal challenges by covering such areas as mechanical engineering, engineering practices and the fundamentals of physics, mechanics and science. Our studies will include the innovative design and advanced manufacturing of industrial products, industrial automation, intelligent machinery, industrial management science and energy development and utilisation. We will enable our graduates to play an important role in global economics by innovating and cost-effectively manufacturing a variety of products.

Using the most advanced technologies such as additive design and manufacture, we aim to inspire and develop the next generation of air travel. Our experts from academia and industry have wide-ranging knowledge covering advanced aerodynamics technologies, thermodynamics, aeroacoustics, mechanics, combustion, materials and system control. Aiming to become a world-class department, we are driven by market demand and have an ‘industry-university-research’ model at the core of our teaching and research activities, enhanced by lean and six-sigma design principles. The joint venture Institute of Advanced Aeronautic Additive Manufacture also plays a key role in the department, acting as a research laboratory for our students, staff and technology transfer.

We are passionate about achieving our aim of leading the world in oceanography research and teaching. Our current focus is on physical oceanography, biological oceanography & marine microbiology, marine geophysics and ocean engineering. Our Dean, Professor Yongshun John Chen (PhD 89, Princeton U.) is a ‘Yangtse River Scholar’ expert, ‘National Outstanding Young Scientist’ and the current chair of the InterRidge. We also have a rapidly growing team of world-class experts who can teach in English and are growing our global profile by playing a lead role in international research projects. Building on the platform provided by the Institute of Ocean Engineering of Shenzhen, we will soon become an oceanographic institution with facilities to rival the world’s best universities, including a research vessel (R/V Shenzhen), dock and multidisciplinary ocean engineering lab.

Dedicated to delivering a first-class education and pioneering physics research, we provide four undergraduate programmes in Physics and Applied physics, as well as Master’s and doctoral programmes in collaboration with leading universities around the world. Our current research projects focus on condensed matter physics and materials science, including surface science, materials for clean energy, thin film physics, quantum transport, computational physics and the theory of condensed matter physics. In the very near future we aim to further expand our research areas to astrophysics, quantum field theory, particle physics, biological physics.
Established in 1977, the School is one of the earliest design schools in China. It first offered a master’s degree in Design in 1993, and a doctoral degree in 2005. The following year, the School featured in the World Top 60 Design Schools by Business Week (U.S.) magazine. Today, we offer BA degrees in industrial design, product design and visual communication; MA in design, MFA in design and ME in design; plus Ph.D in design. We chair the Industrial Design Education Instructional Committee under the Ministry of Education of China. We’re also members of Cumulus and of three important national design education organisations, as well as being co-founder of the China-Italy Design & Innovation Centre. We have an international joint design school in Shenzhen with RIT (Rochester Institute of Technology) which is the first one of this kind in China.